



主要从事肺癌诊断和预后的相关分子生物学研究。从临床诊疗中的重要问题出发,利用医院丰富的资源,采用分子生物学、细胞生物学和高通量测序等研究技术,揭示生物现象背后规律和机制,为医学转化和临床应用研究打下坚实基础。目前在研的研究方向包括:非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗耐药机制研究、免疫治疗疗效预测标志物临床应用研究。先后承担国家自然科学基金、市教委科研计划、北京市优秀人才项目、通州“运河”领军人才等课题和人才项目。相关领域论文14篇,获国家发明专利3项。担任中国肺癌杂志、OncoTarget and Therapy、Bioscience Reports等学术期刊审稿人


1.Tang X, Mu J, Ma L, Tan Q, Wang J, Tan J*, Zhang S*. IGFBP7 overexpression promotes acquired resistance to AZD9291 in non-small cell lung cancer. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2021;571: 38–45.

2.Yu M, Tan J*, Wang J*. 单细胞测序在肺癌中的研究进展. 中国肺癌杂志. 2021;24: 279–283.

3.Tan Q, Li H, Yu M, Tang X, Tan J*, Zhang S*, et al. CD45RO+记忆T细胞作为非小细胞肺癌患者预后标志物的研究. 中国肺癌杂志. 2021;24: 254–264.

4.Tan J#, et al. Abnormally localized DLK1 interacts with NCOR1 in non-small cell lung cancer cell nuclear. Biosci Rep. 2019;39.

5.Yang L, Cui J, Wang Y, Tan J. FAM83H-AS1 is upregulated and predicts poor prognosis in colon cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019;118: 109342.

6.Tan J#, et al. Long noncoding RNA VPS9D1-AS1 overexpression predicts a poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;106: 1600–1606.

7.Tan J#, Wu XG#, et al.,. Utility of dominant epitopes derived from cell-wall protein LppZ for immunodiagnostic of pulmonary tuberculosis. BMC Immunol. BioMed Central; 2018;19: 10.

新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/411353.shtml

