


梁华根,男,1985年6月生,湖北黄冈人,工学博士,助理研究员,2015年3月就职于中国矿业大学低碳能源研究院,主要从事电池高性能/低Pt载量膜电极及非Pt低Pt催化剂等质子交换膜燃料电池关键技术的开发;锂-硫、锂-空气电池正极材料的制备与研究。2007年7月毕业于中北大学获得应用化学学士学位;2007年9月考入华南理工大学,师从国内外电化学知名学者廖世军教授,于2010年1月获得应用化学硕士学位,同年提前攻博,于2013年7月获得应用化学博士学位,博士期间主要从事燃料电池自增湿膜电极与阴极催化剂等相关研究工作;2013年8月至2014年12月于南非西开普大学HySA Systems从事博士后研究,主要研究方向为高温PBI膜基质子交换膜燃料电池催化剂与膜电极的开发与应用研究。近三年,已在Journal of Power Sources, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Scientific Report, Electrochimica Acta, RSC Advances等学术期刊上发表SCI论文12篇,申请中国发明专利5项,获得授权3项,主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金1项,江苏省煤基CO2捕集与地质储存重点实验室开放基金1项,中国矿业大学“启航计划”1项。



1. 燃料电池低Pt/非Pt催化剂、低Pt载量膜电极

2. 高性能锂-硫、锂-空气电池正极材料


1. 2016.7-2019.7 有序碳纳米管阵列负载MNx@Pt核壳催化剂的可控制备及电催化氧还原机理,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,20万

2. 2017.1-2018.12 三维有序碳纳米管阵列负载过渡金属氧化物用于Li-CO2电池正极材料的制备与催化机理研究,江苏省煤基CO2



(1) Huagen Liang*, Ruoyu Xu, Kaicheng Chen, Chenyang Shenc, Shibin Yin*, Self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly with dual cathode catalyst layer structure prepared by introducing polyvinyl alcohol into the inner layer, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 1333-1338.

(2) Huagen Liang, Huaneng Su*, Bruno G. Pollet, Vladimir Linkov, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Development of membrane electrode assembly for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell by catalyst coating membrane method, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 288, 121-127.

(3) Huagen Liang, Huaneng Su*, Bruno G. Pollet, Vladimir Linkov, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Membrane electrode assembly with enhanced platinum utilization for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell prepared by catalyst coating membrane method, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 266, 107-113.

(4) Huaneng Su, Huagen Liang*, Bernard J. Bladergroen, Vladimir Linkov, Bruno G. Pollet, Sivakumar Pasupathi*. Effect of platinum distribution in dual catalyst layer structured gas diffusion electrode on the performance of high temperature PEMFC, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161, F506-F512.

(5) Huagen Liang, Dai Dang, Wang Xiong, Shijun Liao*. High-performance self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly prepared by simultaneously adding inorganic and organic hygroscopic materials to the anode catalyst layer, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 241, 367-372.

(6) Huagen Liang, Liping Zheng, Shijun Liao*. Self-humidifying membrane electrode assembly prepared by adding PVA as hygroscopic agent in anode catalyst layer, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 12860-12867.

(7) Fei Huang*, Hui Zhao, Aihua Yan, Zhen Li, Huagen Liang, Qingyu Gao, Yinghuai Qiang. In situ thermal decomposition for preparation of Nb3O7F/Nb2O5 hybrid nanomaterials with enhanced photocatalytic performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695, 489-495.

(8) Fei Huang*, Zhen Li, Aihua Yan, Hui Zhao, Huagen Liang, Qingyu Gao, Yinghuai Qiang. CNTs-modified Nb3O7F hybrid nanocrystal towards faster carrier migration, lower bandgap and higher photocatalytic activity, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 39973.

(9) Zaiyong Mo, Ruiping Zheng, Hongliang Peng, Huagen Liang, Shijun Liao*. Nitrogen-doped graphene prepared by a transfer doping approach for the oxygen reduction reaction application, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 245, 801-807.

(10) Hongliang Peng, Zaiyoung Mo, Shijun Liao*, Huagen Liang, Lijun Yang, Fan Luo, Huiyu Song, Yiliang Zhong, Bingqing Zhang. High Performance Fe- and N- Doped Carbon Catalyst with Graphene Structure for Oxygen Reduction, Scientific Reports, 2013, Doi: 10.1038/srep01765.

(11) Zaiyong Mo, Hongliang Peng, Huagen Liang, Shijun Liao*. Vesicular nitrogen doped carbon material derived from Fe2O3templated polyaniline as improved non-platinum fuel cell cathode catalyst, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 99, 30-37.

(12) Haili Gao, Shijun Liao*, Zhenxing Liang, Huagen Liang, Fan Luo. Anodic oxidation of ethanol on core-shell structured Ru@PtPd/C catalyst in alkaline media, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 6138-6143.



(1) Bruno G. Pollet, A. A. Franco, Huaneng Su, Huagen Liang, Sivakumar Pasupathi. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Chapter In book: Compendium of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/B978-1-78242-363-8.00001-3.

(2) Sivakumar Pasupathi, Huaneng Su, Huagen Liang, Bruno G. Pollet. Advanced Technologies for Proton-Exchange Membrance Fuel Cells, Chapter In book: Electrochemical Energy, 2015, DOI: 10.1201/b19061-23.


1. 梁华根,尹诗斌,罗林,黄飞,马静,张绍良. 纳米阀门封装的硫介孔二氧化硅复合材料的制备方法,中国发明专利,授权号:CN105006557B.

2. 梁华根,尹诗斌,罗林,黄飞,马静,张绍良. 一种纳米金属阀门封装的锂硫电池正极材料的制备方法,中国发明专利,授权号:CN104900845A.

3. 廖世军,梁华根,郑丽萍. 阳极催化层含亲水性高分子聚合物的膜电极及其制备方法,专利申请号:201110365119.5.

4. 廖世军,梁华根,党岱,熊旺. 用于质子交换膜燃料电池的自增湿膜电极及制备方法,专利申请号:201210557812.7.

5. 廖世军,何金成,何凯燕,宋慧宇,洪平,梁华根,罗凡,钟轶良. 一种基于固体电解质电解池的制氢器,中国发明专利,授权号:CN102122721B.


1. 2015.7-2016.6 校级大学生“创新计划”,指导本科生2名,发表SCI论文1篇;

2. 2016.9至今 协助指导硕士研究生1名,目前已投稿SCI论文2篇。


