办公地点: 文科大楼829
电子邮箱: bwu at deit dot ecnu dot edu dot cn
通讯地址: 上海市普陀区中山北路3663号,邮编2000
2008-2013 香港大学 教育技术学 博士
2017-2018 美国威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校 访问学者
Editorial Board Member, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL)
Consulting Editor, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D)
Reviewer, Computers in Human Behavior (CHB)
Ad hoc Reviewer, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET),British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), Educational Technology & Society (ET&S),Journal of Educational Computing Research(JOECR),Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL),International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Wang, M.(2019) Scaffolding design thinking in online STEM preservice teacher training. British Journal of Educational Technology,50(5),2271-2287.https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12873 (SSCI, IF=2.729, 2017 Ranking: 23/238 in Education & Educational Research)
Wu, B., Yu, X., & Hu, Y.(2019) How does principal e-leadership affect ICT transformation across different school stages in K-12 education: Perspectives from teachers in Shanghai. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1210-1225. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12766(SSCI, IF=2.729, 2017 Ranking: 23/238 in Education & Educational Research)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., Ruis, A., & Wang, M.(2019) Assessing computational thinking in collaborative programming: A quantitative ethnography approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(3), 421-434. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12348(SSCI, IF=1.859, 2017 Ranking: 66/238 in Education & Educational Research)
Wang, M., Wu, B., Kirschner, P., & Spector, M.(2018) Using cognitive mapping to foster deep learning with complex problems in a computer-based environment. Computers in Human Behavior,87, 450-458. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2018.01.024(SSCI, 5-Year IF=4.417)
Hu, Y., Wu, B.,& Gu, X. (2017) An eye tracking study of high and low performing students in solving interactive and analytical problems. Educational Technology & Society,20(4),300-311.https://www.jstor.org/stable/26229225(SSCI, 5-Year IF= 2.754)
Hu, Y., Wu, B.,& Gu, X. (2017) Learning analysis of K-12 students’ online problem solving: A three-stage assessment approach. Interactive Learning Environments,25(2),262-279. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2016.1276080(SSCI, IF=1.604, 2017 Ranking: 90/238 in Education & Educational Research)
Wu, B., Wang, M., Grotzer, T. A., Liu, J., & Johnson, J. M. (2016) Visualizing complex processes using a cognitive-mapping tool to support the learning of clinical reasoning. BMC Medical Education. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12909-016-0734-x.(SCIE, SSCI, 5-Year IF=1.938)
Wu, B., Hu, Y., Gu, X., & Lim, C. P. (2016) Professional development of new higher education teachers with information and communication technology (ICT) in Shanghai: A Kirkpatrick's evaluation approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research,54(4),531-562.http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0735633115621922(SSCI, 5-Year IF=1.321, 2017 Ranking: 151/238 in Education & Educational Research)
Wu, B., Wang, M., Johnson, J. M., & Grotzer, T. A. (2014) Improving clinical reasoning learning through computer-based cognitive representation. Medical Education Online.http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/meo.v19.25940(SSCI, IF=1.440, 2015 Ranking: 95/230 in Education & Education Research)
Gu, X., Wu, B., & Xu, X. (2014) Design, development, and learning in e-Textbooks: What we learned and where we are going. Journal of Computers in Edcuation.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40692-014-0023-9(Springer)
Wu, B., Wang, M., Spector, M., & Yang, S.. (2013) Design of a dual-mapping learning approach for problem solving and knowledge constructionin ill-structured domains.Educational Technology & Society,16(4), 71-84. http://www.jstor.org/stable/jeductechsoci.16.4.71 (SSCI, 5-Year IF= 2.754)
Wang, M., Wu, B., Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, & Spector, M. (2013) Connecting problem solving and knowledge construction processes in a visualization-based learning environment.Computers & Education,68,293-306.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.05.004(SSCI, SCIE, 5-Year IF=5.568)
Wu, B. & Wang, M. (2012) Integrating problem solving and knowledge construction through dual mapping.Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL),4(3),248-257.https://doi.org/10.34105/j.kmel.2012.04.021(SCOPUS)
Ruan, J., Wu, B., & Wang, G. (2020) How to support STEM learning design: A learning design tool based on backward design model.Proceedings of American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), April 2020, San Francisco, USA.
Wu, B., & Ruan, J. (2019) Plan backward to move forward: Exploring preservice teachers’ competence trajectory through backward design of STEM curriculum. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Oct 2019, Madison, USA.
Wu, B., & Peng, X. (2019) Directive or facilitative tutor? The effect of tutoring styles on STEM learning design discussion.Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Oct 2019, Madison, USA.
Wang, G., Wu, B., & Hu, Y. (2019) How to measure the collaborative problem-solving competency based on conversational agent. Proceedings of 27st International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE), Dec 2019, Kenting, Taiwan.
Peng, X. & Wu, B. (2019) Research on the development of a personalized learning assessment model: Building connections between knowledge components and cognitive levels. Proceedings of 27st International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE), Dec 2019, Kenting, Taiwan.
Hu, Y., Yu, X., & Wu, B. (2019) University teachers’ m-learning approach adoption: Integrating m-technology and m-pedagogy factors into a behavioral intention model. Proceedings of 2019 AECT International Convention, Oct 2019, Las Vegas, USA.
Ruan, J., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2019) Design of an online STEM teacher training environment: An authentic learning perspective. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2019, Las Vegas, USA.
Wu, B. & Sung, H.(2019) Exploring the epistemic development trajectories in jigsaw-based collaborative problemsolving. AERA 2019, Toronto, Canada.
Du, F., Zhao, Y., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2018) A Review of Presence Research in Foreign Online Learning. GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.
Wang, G., Sheng, H, & Wu, B. (2018) Case Study of Learning Evaluation Based on Epistemic Network Analysis. GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.
Jiang, F. & Wu, B. (2018) Innovative Design Pattern of Internet +STEM Education: Inspiration from Virtual Internship Program.GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.
Hu, Y., Zhu, J., Wu, B. (2017) Scaffolding spatial thinking with visualization and embodiment: A 3D multimedia approach. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology (ICALT).
Wu, B. (2017) Effective scaffolding strategies in support of learning computational thinking in a primary robotics-programming course. AERA, 2017,San Antonio, USA.
Hu, Y., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2017) Why Shanghai students performed not so well in PISA problem-solving test: A control-valueperspective. AERA, 2017, San Antonio,USA.
Wu, B. (2016) Robotics programming in support of computational thinking: Scaffolding from teacher,peer, and robotics agents. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Singapore.
Wang, M., Wu, B., & Kirschner,P. (2016). Extended concept mapping to support problem solving and learning in a computer-based learning environment, Proceedings of the Workshopon Computer-Based Learning Environments for Deep Learning in Inquiry and Problem-Solving Contexts, International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Singapore.
Hu, Y., Feng, Y., & Wu, B. Do they learn well in class: A new lens to explore learning motivation and cognitivecompetence. The AECT-LKAOE 2015 SummerInternational Research Symposium, Shanghai, China, 2015.
Luo, J., Sun, M., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Exploring the effectiveness of a flipped classroom-based on control-value theory: A case study.Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, 2014, Nara,Japan.
Wu, B., Cai, H., & Gu, X. Visualization tool-supported PBL environment in clinical expertise development.AERA 2014 Annual Meeting, April 2014, Philadelphia, USA.
Wang, J., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Training of pre-service teachers in higher education institutions in Shanghai: Research on TPACK and technology acceptance.Proceedings of 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE), May 2014, Shanghai, China.
Cai, H., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Collaborative problem-solving learning supported by semantic diagram tool: From the view of technology orchestrated into learning activity. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE), Nov 2013, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia.
Wu, B., & Wang, M. (2012) Integrating problem solving and knowledge construction through dual mapping.Proceedings of 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE),May 2012, Kenting, Taiwan.
Wu, B., & Wang, M. (2011) Dual mapping in support of problem solving and knowledge construction.Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT), July 2011, Athens, Georgia, USA
Wu, B., Wang, M., & Yun, H. (2009) An agent-based system for healthcare process management.Proceedings of International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS),Milan, May 2009
Wu, B., Wang, M., Yun, H., & Jiang, H. (2009) An agent-based cognitive approach for healthcare process management.Proceedingsof IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI),HongKong, June 2009
吴忭,王戈.协作编程中的计算思维发展轨迹研究——基于量化民族志的分析方法[J]. 现代远程教育研究, 2019, 158(2), 76-84,94.(CSSCI)
吴忭,王戈,盛海曦.认知网络分析法:STEM教育中的学习评价新思路[J]. 远程教育杂志,2018,(6),3-10.(CSSCI)
吴忭,顾小清. 教育大数据的深度认知、实践案例与趋势展望——2017年“教育大数据应用技术”国际学术研讨会评述[J].现代远程教育研究, 2017, 147(3), 11-17. (CSSCI)
吴忭,胡艺龄,顾小清. 高校新教师信息技术与课程整合能力实证研究——基于上海市属高校教师职前培训项目[J]. 现代远程教育研究, 2016, 141(3), 77-83. (CSSCI)
吴忭,蔡慧英. 实境学习:让学习在学习者的手中和脑中同时发生[J]. 现代远程教育研究, 2015, 137(5), 12-18. (CSSCI)
肖君,胡艺龄,陈静雅,吴忭. 开放教育下的MOOCs运营机制研究[J].中国电化教育, 2015, (3), 10-14,38. (CSSCI)
吴忭,顾小清. 图示化学习工具促进知能发展的学习行为模式分析研究[J].开放教育研究, 2014, 20(5), 59-66.(CSSCI)
胡艺龄,陈婧雅,顾小清,吴忭. MOOCs在教育均衡中的挑战及应对策略[J].中国电化教育,2014,330,40-45. (CSSCI)
吴忭,顾小清. 通向有效的教学方法和教学设计的途径--访国际知名教育心理学教授保尔·科士纳[J].开放教育研究, 2013, 19(5), 4-11. (CSSCI)
刘军,吴忭,王敏红,金为民,王春刚. 图示PBL系统在临床诊断知能培训中的效果研究[J].中华医学教育探索杂志, 2013,13(2):183-187.
1. 吴忭.图示支持的非良构问题解决学习环境设计与测评[M].华东师范大学出版社,2016.
1. 临床PBL在线图示化学习平台,2016.
主持“协作问题解决在线测评研究”(16YJC880085),教育部人文社科青年项目,2016.9 -2019.12
主持 “学习科学理论与实践”,华东师范大学教育学部全英文课程建设项目,2016.11-2018.10
参与“A pilotstudy on integrating learning facilities into computer aided diagnosis systems”(201310159036),香港大学基础研究种子基金,2014.04-2016.03
参与“Connecting problemsolving and knowledge construction through the design of a visualization-based learning environment”(201210159016),香港大学基础研究种子基金,2013.04-2015.03
美国教育研究协会年会(AERA2019,多伦多),报告题目:Exploring the epistemic development trajectories in jigsaw-based collaborative problem solving,2019.4
国际学习科学社区-北京师范大学论坛(ISLS-BNU,北京),报告题目:Scaffolding in online STEM learning design: An epistemic network analysis,2019.6
澳门城市大学(澳门),报告题目:How to design a mini-video lecture. 2019.6
1. STEM教师虚拟实习平台(吴忭,张润权,凌志威)
2. 临床PBL在线图示化培训系统(吴忭)
3. 交互式问题解决测评系统(胡艺龄,吴忭)
4. 空间思维眼动分析系统(吴忭)
5. 协作问题解决测评系统(吴忭,邱婷婷)
6. 青光眼诊疗决策支持系统(吴忭,王敏红)
7. “宝宝学画画”iPad App(吴忭,严佳,邱婷婷)
新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/334881.shtml