


朱亚波,男,1964/11出生,教授/博导,1986年江苏师大获得本科学士学位,1991年南京师大获得理论物理专业理学硕士学位,2004年获得重庆大学材料科学与工程专业工学博士学位;徐州市首批聘任的高层次科技专家,"Catalysis Today"等国际刊物评审人,上海市科学奖专家库评审专家,主要从事碳材料、半导体纳米材料等制备与应用研究,先后在中国科学院高能物理研究所、中国科学院上海应用物理研究所,香港城市大学,英国伯明翰大学等地研修与访学,发表SCI论文60余篇,获省级科技二等奖1次,出版著作1部,主持与参与国家与省级自然基金5项,, QQ: 909517971










1. Lei Jia, Zhu Yabo(通讯作者). "Improving the electrochemical performance of Nano-PANI by adding manganese" . Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. (in press)

2Liu Wanying, Zhu Yabo(通讯作者). "Multilayer Black Phosphorus Exfoliated with the Aid of Sodium Hydroxide: An Improvement Electrochemical Energy Storage. Journal of Electronic Materials (in press)

3.Cao Xingxing, Zhu Yabo(通讯作者). Electrospinning Preparation of La-Doped SnO2 Hollow Nanofibers: An Improvement of Their Gas Sensing Properties. Jounal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2018 Vol.18 ,1-6

4. 朱亚波 唐晓彤等. Mn掺杂Co3O4纳米纤维静电纺丝制备及其电化学性能. 无机化学学报,2018 VOL34


1.Chen Zhiyan Zhu Yabo(通讯作者). A Stage-by-Stage Phase-induction and Nucleation of Black Phosphorus from Red Phosphorus Under Low-pressure Mineralization. CrystEngComm, 2017 VOL.19 7207-7212 .

2. Zhu Yabo, Cao Xingxing. The resistance characteristic of the polymer carbon microcoil composite with temperature change . Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2017 VOL.12 (1): 232-238


1.朱亚波, 唐国霞, 王 涛, 刘章生, 陶雪钰, 碳螺旋纤维/MnO2复合材料的电化学性能研究,无机化学学报, 2016 vol32(8)(SCI, 录用)

2. Xiaolan Chen1, Ya-Bo Zhu, Zheng Xing ,Guoxia Tang, Heliang Fan, Synthesis of PbSe nanostructures with different size and morphology and their electrochemical properties, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2016 VOL.27: 1151-1157

3. ZHANJUN HE,YABO ZHU, ZHENG XING and ZHENGYUAN WAN,Cuprous Sulfide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Hybrid Nanomaterials: Solvothermal Synthesis and Enhanced Electrochemical Performance,Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 2016 VOL.45(1): 285-290.


1. Tao Wang, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者), Zheng Xing, Guoxia Tang, The Specific Capacitive Performances of the Manganese oxyhydroxide/Carbon micocoil Electrodes for supercapacitors, Electrochimisca Acta, 151:135-139, 2015

2. Zhanjun He, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者), Zheng Xing, Zhengyuan Wang, Reduced graphene–cadmium sulfide hybrid nanopowders:solvothermal synthesis and enhanced electrochemical performance, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2015

3. Zhanjun He,Yabo Zhu(通讯作者),Reduced graphene oxide–cuprous oxide hybrid nanopowders: Solvothermal

synthesis and electrochemical performance,Materials Science in Semiconductor

Processing,2014,27:1013-1019。 期刊论文

4. 罗锦(#),朱亚波(通讯作者),殷大根,赫占军,复合盐熔剂法制备PbSe纳米颗粒及其电化学性能(英文),稀有金属材料与工程

,2014,(09):2100-2103。 期刊论文

5. Tao Wang, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者), Fan Heliang, Ju Zhicheng, Chen Lei, Wang Zhengyuan, Raman spectra of aligned carbon micro-coils and their impedance characteristics under loads, Journal of Applied Physics, 115:074301, 2014

6. Shoudong Xu, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者), Quanchao Zhuang, Hydrothermal synthesis of manganese oxides/carbon nanotubes composites as anode materials for lithium ion batteries, Materials Research Bulletin, 48:3479-3484, 2013

7. Donghu Xiang, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者)A simple one-step synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles via Salt-Alkali-Composited-Mediated method and investigation on their comparative photocatalytic activity. Materials Research Bulletin. 48:188-193, 2013

8.殷大根,朱亚波(通讯作者),杜勇,刘晓霞,刘章生,徐守冬. 微米螺旋碳纤维的电容特性,材料研究学报,2012, 26(1):73-77(EI 通讯作者)

9. Yabo Zhu, Dagen Yin, Yong Du, Yujie Yang, Xiaoxia Liu. Study of the pitch change of carbon coils during their growth. Procedia Engineering 2012, 27:1264–1270.(EI)

10. Donghu Xiang, Yabo Zhu(通讯作者), Cunjin Cai, Zhanjun He, Zhangsheng Liu, Dagen Yin, Jin Luo. A new simple synthesis of CdS nano-particles by composite-molten-salt method and their high photocatalytic degradation activity, Physica E , 2011, 44: 733–73

11. 项东虎,朱亚波(通讯作者),罗 锦,郭立童. 复合碱媒介法合成棒状CdTe 晶体,化学学报,2011, 69(13):1540~1544(SCI 通讯作者)

12. 朱亚波,杨玉杰,徐守冬,项东虎. 碳微米螺旋纤维的电化学特性研究,中国矿业大学学报,2011,40(6):959~963 (EI)






团队由近20位成员组成,其中教师6名,其余为研究生。团队中有获得首批徐州市高层次科技专家,矿业大学优秀青年教师,百佳教师等。团队先后主持或参与省和国家级自然科学研究项目、中国博士后科学基金、教育部博士点及新进教师基金、优秀博士论文资助基金等18项之余;荣获江苏省普通高等学校二类优秀课程奖,重庆市自然科学奖二等奖等各1项;出版论著1部;近5年发表学术论文60余篇,其中被SCI和EI收录30余篇;近年获得国家发明专利授权3项。团队主授课程:《能带理论》、《固体物理》、《材料物理性能》、《纳米材料》、 《电子封装工程》、 《材料科学概论》、 《能源材料导论》、 《高分子材料》、 《陶瓷材料》、 《半导体材料》、《电子材料》等,团队成员多人次荣获多项校优秀教学质量奖。


