






E-mail: Qian_Chen@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 




陈迁教授长期以来致力于骨骼关节发育和衰老的疾病机理研究和治疗,具有世界一流的研究水平,是分子生物学、转化医学和骨科领域的国际权威专家。1992年在Tufts大学医学院获得细胞分子和发育生物学博士学位。1992年至1994年间在哈佛大学/麻省总医院完成博士后工作。自从2002年起,被聘为美国著名“常青藤”盟校之一的布朗大学终身教授,Michael G. Ehrlich MD特聘主任教授,时年38岁(为布朗大学医学院历史上最年轻的终身特聘教授)。自从2007年,主持建立了由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)支持的杰出生物医学研究中心(COBRE),并任主任和首席负责人。此研究中心是全美八十多个杰出生物医学研究中心中,仅有的两个研究骨骼关节的中心之一。作为国际骨科关节研究的领军人物,在骨骼关节研究领域,校外研究经费在全美(美国和加拿大)排名第二。 2012年9月起担任西安交通大学前沿医学科学研究所所长兼骨骼关节疾病和治疗研究中心主任。其研究领域包括软骨病,关节炎,骨折愈合,细胞外基质及生物力学传导的分子机制。在国际骨科和关节炎医学领域具有重要影响力。已编撰发表“骨关节炎的诊断,治疗和手术(Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Surgery)”等专著,在国际学术期刊发表的多篇论文为分子生物学在骨科领域应用的奠基性研究。其论文被引用近2000余篇次,H-index为29(2014年04月29日数据)。

 其代表性成果包括:1)骨骼发育的分子生物学奠基性研究揭示软骨内骨化的分子生物学机理;成功建立了一系列软骨细胞分化的标志分子,比如骨胶原十号(type X collagen)和其他软骨基质分子。这些奠基性工作发表在PNAS ,Development, JBC等世界著名刊物上,为骨骼发育领域奠定了分子生物学基础。2)骨骼软骨的生物力学信号分子传导与机理的开创性研究;揭示和鉴别了多个骨骼中调控生物力学信号传导的重要基因,并发表了一系列首创性文章。这些文章被大量引用(单篇引用多达200次)并广泛影响生物力学研究的各个领域。3)软骨发育不良和骨关节炎调控基因的开创性研究;鉴别和认定关节软骨在发育或衰老的过程中,导致软骨组织损伤和退化的重要基因。多项研究第一次揭示软骨基质分子的基因编码与这些疾病的重要关系,发表在JCB, MBC, Developmental Biology。4)骨骼和关节退化病理与治疗转化研究;开发新的诊断和治疗骨骼关节损伤和退化疾病(例如骨关节炎)的方法。通过干扰分解代谢相关的细胞分子和趋化分子,研发了新型治疗方法来抑制软骨组织的损伤和退化。开发了动物模型来模拟软骨损伤和退化疾病的的病理学特征。这些模型对于新药和新治疗方法的研发具有不可估量的作用,并发表在Arthritis & Rheumatism, JBC, JBMR. 其在生物医学前沿的研究领域,作出突出贡献并多达16次获得美国和国际重要科技奖项,包括J.V. Satterfield 关节炎研究员奖 (美国关节炎研究基金会青年研究员最高奖);美国国立卫生研究院独立科学家奖;诺华基金会科学家奖(当年全世界唯一获奖者);Kappa Delta 青年研究家奖(全美骨科研究最高荣誉)。已授权美国和国际发明专利两项。


Zhang Y, Chen Q.  Changes of matrilin forms during endochondral ossification: molecular basis of oligomeric assembly.  J Biol Chem, 275(42):32628-32634, 2000.  PMID: 10930403

Wu Q, Chen Q. Mechanoregulation of chondrocyte proliferation, maturation, and hypertrophy: ion-channel   dependent transduction of matrix deformation signals. Exp Cell Res, 256, 383-391, 2000. PMID: 10772811

You J, Reilly G, Zhen X, Yellowley CE, Chen Q, Donahue HJ, Jacobs CR. Osteopontin gene regulation by oscillatory fluid flow via intracellular calcium mobilization and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts.  J Biol Chem, 276(16): 13365-13371, 2001. PMID: 11278573

Wu Q, Zhang Y, Chen Q.  Indian hedgehog is an essential component of mechanotransduction complex to stimulate chondrocyte proliferation.  J Biol Chem, 276(38): 35290-35296, 2001. PMID: 11466306

Zhen X, Wei L, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Chen Q.  Mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 mediates regulation of chondrocyte differentiation by parathroid hormone.  J Biol Chem, 276(7): 4879-4885, 2001. PMID: 11098049

Kanbe K, Takagishi K, Chen Q.  Stimulation of matrix metalloprotease 3 release from human chondrocytes by the interaction of stromal cell-derived factor 1 and CXC chemokine receptor 4 (Reply to study of SDF-1 alpha synovial fluid in early rheumatoid arthritis).  Arthritis Rheum, 48:275-276, 2003.  PMID: 11817585

Phornphutkul C, Wu KY, Yang X, Chen Q, Gruppuso PA.  Insulin-like Growth Factor-I signaling is modified during chondrocyte differentiation. J Endocrinology, 183: 477-486, 2004. PMID: 15590974

van der Weyden L, Wei L, Luo J, Yang X, Birk DE, Adams DJ, Bradley A, Chen Q.  Functional knockout of the matrilin-3 gene causes premature chondrocyte maturation to hypertrophy and increases bone mineral density and osteoarthritis. Am J Pathol 169:515-27, 2006.  PMID: 16877353 / PMCID: PMC1698783

Wei L, Sun X, Wang Z, Chen Q. CD95-induced osteoarthritic chondrocyte apoptosis and necrosis: dependency on p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Arthritis Res Ther 8(2):R37, 2006. PMID: 16469115 / PMCID: PMC1526592

Wei L, Sun X, Kanbe K, Wang Z, Sun C, Terek R, Chen Q.  Chondrocyte death induced by pathological concentration of chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1.  J  Rheumatol 33:1818-26, 2006.  PMID: 16960943

Lee M, Bier A, Nickish F, Eberson C, Ehrlich MG, Chen Q. Epiphysiodesis with infusion of stromal cell-derived factor-1 in rabbit growth plates. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:102-133, 2007.  PMID: 17200317

Kanbe K, Yang X, Wei L, Sun, C, Chen Q.  Pericellular matrilins regulate activation of chondrocytes by cyclic load-induced matrix deformation, J Bone Miner Res 22:318-328, 2007.  PMID: 17129169

Phornphutkul C, Wu K, Auyeung V, Chen Q, Gruppuso P.  mTOR  signaling contributes to chondrocyte differentiation. Dev Dyn  237(3):702-12, 2008.  PMID: 18265001 / PMCID: PMC2768549

Namdari S, Wei L, Moore D, Chen, Q. Reduced limb length and worsened osteoarthritis in adult mice after genetic inhibition of p38 MAP kinase activity in cartilage.  Arthritis Rheum 58:3520-29, 2008.  PMID: 18975318 / PMCID: 2774253

Pei M, Lou J, Chen Q.  Enhancing and maintaining chondrogenesis of synovial fibroblasts by cartilage extracellular matrix protein matrilins. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 16:1110-17, 2008. PMID: 18282772 / PMCID: 2596998

Phornphutkul C, Lee M, Voigt C, Ehrlich MG, Gruppuso P, Chen Q. The effect of rapamycin on bone growth in rabbits, J Orthop Res  27(9):1157-1161, 2009.  PMID: 19382193 / PMCID: PMC2894807

Sun XJ, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM. HDAC4 represses vascular endothelial growth factor expression in chondrosarcoma by modulating Runx2 activity. J Biol Chem. 284(33): 21881-90, 2009.  PMID: 19509597 / PMCID: PMC2755912

Sun X, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM.  CXCR4/SDF1 mediate hypoxia induced chondrosarcoma cell invasion through ERK signaling and increased MMP1 expression. Mol Cancer 9:17, 2010.  PMID: 20102637 / PMCID: PMC2825244

Wei L, Fleming BF, Sun XJ, Teeple E, Wu W, Jay GD, Elsaid KA, Luo J, Machan JT, Chen Q. Comparison of differential biomarkers of osteoarthritis with and without posttraumatic injury in the Hartley guinea pig model. J Orthop Res 28:900-6, 2010.  PMID: 20108346 / PMCID: PMC2875364

Wei L, Kanbe K, Lee M, Wei X, Pei M, Sun X, Terek R, Chen Q.  Stimulation of chondrocyte hypertrophy by chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 in the chondro-osseous junction during endochondral bone formation.  Dev Biol 341:236-45, 2010.  PMID: 20206617 / PMCID: PMC2862458

Guan YJ, Yang X, Wei L, Chen Q. MiR-365: A mechano-sensitive microRNA stimulates chondrocyte differentiation through targeting Histone Deacetylase 4. FASEB J, 25(12):4457-66. Epub 2011 Aug 19, 2011, PMID:21856783/PMCID: PMC3236620

Guan Y, Chen Q, Yang X, Haines P, Pei M, Terek R, Wei X, Zhao T, Wei L.  Subcellular Relocation of Histone Deacetylase 4 Regulates Growth Plate Chondrocyte Differentiation through Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase IV.  American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 2012; 303(1):C33-40. PMID: 22442139

Zhao J, Xia W, Nie M, Zheng X, Wang Q, Wang X, Wang W, Ning Z, Huang W, Jiang Y, Li M, Wang O, Xing X, Sun Y, Luo L, He S, Yu W, Lin Q, Pei Y, Zhang F, Han Y, Tong Y, Che Y, Shen R, Hu Y, Zhou X, Chen Q, Xu L. A haplotype of MATN3 is associated with vertebral fracture in Chinese postmenopausal women: Peking Vertebral Fracture (PK-VF) study. Bone. 2012 Apr;50(4):917-24. Epub 2012 Jan 16. PMID 22270056

Wei F, Zhou J, Wei X, Zhang J, Fleming BF, Terek R, Pei M, Chen Q, Liu T, Wei L. Activation of Indian Hedgehog Promotes Chondrocyte Hypertrophy and Upregulation of MMP-13 in Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage, Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, 2012;20(7):755-63. PMID: 224698532012

Li J, Huang J, Dai L, Yu D, Chen Q, Zhang X, Dai K. MiR-146a, an IL-1beta Responsive MicroRNA, Induces VEGF and Chondrocyte Apoptosis by Targeting Smad4, Arthritis Research & Therapy, 2012 14(2):R75. PMID:22507670

Desai HV, Voruganti IS, Jayasuriya C, Chen Q, Darling EM. Live-cell, temporal gene expression analysis of osteogenic differentiation in adipose-derived stem cells, 2012, Tissue Engineering Part A, 2012, Jul 28. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:22840182

Weng T, Yi L, Huang J, Luo F, Wen X, Du X, Chen Q, Deng C, Chen D, Chen L. Genetic inhibition of FGFR1 in cartilage attenuates articular cartilage degeneration in adult mice. Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Jul 25. doi: 10.1002/art.34645. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22833219

Jayasuriya CT, Goldring MB, Terek RM, Chen Q. Matrilin-3 induction of IL-1 receptor antagonist is required for up-regulating collagen II and aggrecan as well as down-regulating ADAMTS-5 gene expression, Arthritis Research & Therapy, 2012, Sep 11;14(5):R197. PMID: 22967398

新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/51307.shtml

