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[2]Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou. Static properties and stability of cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with double-layer grid substructures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2007, 61(12):1580-1589. (SCI、EI收录)

[3]Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Formation and calculation analysis of the cylindrical latticed-built-up-member-system reticulated mega-structure, International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, 2010, 6(3):852-866. (SCI、EI收录)

[4]Xuhong Zhou,Yongjun He*, Yu Shi, Tianhua Zhou and Yongjun Liu. Experiment and FE analysis on shear resistance of cold-formed steel stud assembled wall in residential structure, International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, 2010, 6(3):915-926. (SCI、EI收录)

[5]Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Lei Xu. Stability of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure with single-layer LICS substructures,Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009, 65(1):159-168. (SCI、EI收录)

[6]Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Formation and stabilities of a cylindrical ILTDBS reticulated mega-structure braced with single-layer latticed membranous shell substructures, Thin-Walled Structures. 2009, 47(5):537-546 (SCI、EI收录)

[7]Xuhong Zhou, Yongjun He*, Lei Xu, Qishi Zhou, Experimental study and numerical analyses on seismic behaviors of staggered-truss system under low cyclic loading, Thin-Walled Structures. 2009, 47(5):1343-1353(SCI、EI收录)

[8]Yongjun He*, Xuhong Zhou, Shilin Dong and Jia Li. Seismic Performance of Cylindrical Latticed-Intersected-Three-dimensional-Beams-System Reticulated Mega-structure with Double-Layers Grid Sub-structures. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, 2006,2(1):22-36(EI收录)

[9]Peng-fei Hou*, Xu-hong Zhou, and Yong-jun He. Green’s functions for a semi-infinite transversely isotropic piezothermoelastic material Smart Materials and Structures, 2007,16:1915-1923(SCI、EI收录)

[10]Peng-fei Hou*, Andrew Y.T. Leung, Yong-jun He. Three-dimensional Green’s functions for transversely isotropic thermoelastic bimaterials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2008;45(24):6100-6113(SCI、EI收录)

[11]Yong-jun He*, Xu-hong Zhou, Mei Jiang. Research on Seismic Reduction of the Spherical Reticulated Mega-structure. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Exports, 1201~1206,2008, 10, Changsha, China(ISTP)

[12]Yong-jun He*, Xu-hong Zhou, Shun-wu Jiang. Stability Analyses of the Long-span 3D-Trussed Arches of the Spherical Reticulated Mega-structure in the Construction Process. Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Exports, 274~279, 2008, 10, Changsha(ISTP)

[13]He Y.J*, Zhou X.H, Dong S.L. Research on Seismic Response Property of Cylindrical Latticed-Intersected-Three-Dimensional-Beam-System Reticulated Mega-structure with Double Layer Grid Sub-structures. Advances in Steel Structures. Elsevier. 2005,6:1229~1234

[14]He Y.J*, Zhou X.H, Wang H.S, Li J. Analysis of the Influence of Joint’s Rigidity on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Single Layer Spherical Reticulated Shell. Advances in Structural Engineering: Theory and Applications, 2006,8, 221-226 (ISTP)

[15]He Y.J*, Zhou X.H, Dong S.L. Research on Dynamic property of Cylindrical Latticed Intersected 3d Beam System Reticulated Mega-structure with Single Layer Latticed shell Substructure. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Exports, 2004,8,Xi’an , 785-791(ISTP)

































新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/37382.shtml

