











起止年月 结束年月 毕业或培训院校 取得学历学位
1977.12 1981.2 湖南大学 学士
1982.3 1984.6 湖南大学 硕士
1984.9 1987.12 西安交通大学 博士
1991.1 1992.11 英国Glasgow大学 博士后
2002.9 2003.3 美国Illinois大学 高级访问学者


专业技术职务 聘任日期 聘任单位
讲师 1987.12-1989.10 长沙铁道学院土木工程系
副教授 1989.11-1993.7 长沙铁道学院土木工程系
教授 1993.7-1995.12 长沙铁道学院土木工程系
教授(博导) 1996.1-1998.5 长沙铁道学院研究生处
教授(博导) 1998.5-2000.4 长沙铁道学院土木建筑学院
教授(博导) 2000.4-2002.5 中南大学土木建筑学院
教授(博导) 2002.6-现在 湖南大学土木工程学院
教授(博导)、副院长 2004.10-现在 湖南大学研究院
教授(博导)、首席科学家 2005.2-现在 湖南大学土木工程学院


起始年月 结束年月 职务名称 任职单位
1996.1 1998.5 研究生处院长 长沙铁道学院
1998.5 2000.4 土木建筑学院院长 长沙铁道学院
2000.4 2002.5 土木建筑学院院长 中南大学
2002.6 现在 风工程试验研究中心主任 湖南大学
2004.1 现在 研究院副院长 湖南大学


学术组织名称 担任职务 参加时间
中国土木学会桥梁与结构工程分会 常务理事 1996.9
美国土木工程学会 正式会员 2000.4
中国空气动力学学会风工程与空气动力学专委会 委员 2000.1
中国振动工程学会结构抗震专业委员会 理事 2003.1
中国公路学报 编委 2005.1





























科研成果名称 授予单位 排名 奖励证书号 奖励日期
多塔斜拉桥关键技术研究(国家科学技术进步二等奖) 国家 5 2003-J-221-2-03-R05 2003
柔性工程结构非线性行为与控制的研究(教育部提名国家科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖) 教育部 1 2005-082 2005
大跨度桥梁空间静动力非线性分析NACS程序及应用(湖南省科学技术进步一等奖) 湖南省政府 1 9911146 1999
岳阳洞庭湖大桥多塔斜拉桥关键技术研究(湖南省科学技术进步一等奖) 湖南省政府 5 2002420291-1-05 2003
永磁调节装配式磁流变阻尼器(发明专利) 国家 1 CN1632345A(公示号) 2005


奖励或荣誉名称 授予单位 奖励日期
湖南省师德先进个人 湖南省政府 1997
有突出贡献的中青年专家 铁道部 2000



1. Z.Q.Chen and X.Ji, A new approach to finite deformation problems of elastoplasticity—Boundary  element analysis method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,1990,V78, 1-18.(SCI收录,EI收录)

2. Z.Q.Chen and T.J.A.Agar, Geometric nonlinear analysis of flexible spatial beam structures,  Computers & Structures, 1993, V49.N6, 1083-1094.  (SCI收录,EI收录)

3. Z.Q.Chen and T.J.A.Agar, Finite Element-based flutter analysis of cable suspended  bridges -Discussion, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE.ST), 1994.3, V120, N3,1044-1046. SCI收录)

4. Z.Q.Chen ,X.Y.Wang ,J. M. Ko,Y. Q. Ni,B. F. Spencer,G. Yang,J. H. Hu ,MR damping system  for mitigating wind-rain induced vibration on Dongting Lake Cable-Stayed Bridge,Wind and  Structures, Vol. 7, No. 5 (2004), 293-304.  (SCI收录,EI收录)

5. Z.Q.Chen, The three dimensional analysis and behaviors investigation on thecritical flutter  state of bridges,Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium on Cable-Stayed Bridges,  Shanghai, China, 1994.5, 302-307.

6. Z.Q.Chen and X.D.Yu, G.Yang,B.F.Spencer Jr. Wind-induced self-excited loads on bridges,  Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.131,No.12,2005.12:1783-1793(ASCE)

7. Z.Q.Chen,X.Y.Wang,J.M.KoandY.Q.Ni,Fieldmeasurementson wind-rain-induced vibration of  bridge cables with and witjout MR dampers, the 3rd world conference of structural control,  Como, Italy, 2002.4

8. Z.Q. Chen,Etc,“MR Damping system on Dongting lake cable-stayed bridge”, Proceedings  of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5057, 2003, 229-235(ISTP收录,EI收录)

9. Duan, Y.F.; Yi Qing Ni; Ko, J.M.; Chen, Z.Q.  Amplitude-dependent frequency and damping  identification of bridge cables with MR dampers in different setups, Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v5057,2003,p218-28.

10. 陈政清,曾庆元,颜全胜.空间杆系结构大跨度问题内力分析的UL列式法. 土木工程学报,1992,V25(5),34-44

11. 陈政清,于向东.大跨桥梁颤振自激力的强迫振动法研究.土木工程学报,2002(5)

12. 陈政清,钟正华,熊驻华.四边简支部分固结矩形薄板的弯曲,固体力学学报,1984.第三期367-377  (EI收录)

13. 陈政清.万因斯坦—钱伟长法的应用—简支与固支混合边界矩形板基频上下限.应用数学与力学,437-446

14. 陈政清,王磊.轴对称空间弹性扭转动力问题变换方程之基本解.科学通报,1985.V30(1) 19-23

15. 陈政清,胡建华.桥梁颤振系数识别的时域法与频域法对比研究,工程力学(已接受)


1. Zheng-qing Chen, The BEM scheme for axisysmmetric dynamic torsion problems and the  evaluation of dynamic stiffness of the foundation, Computational Methods and Experimental  Measurements,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 8.85-8.94, 1984.7

2. Cheng Zheng-qing, The application of Weinstein-Chien’s method—the upper and lower limits  of fundamental frequency of rectangular plates with edges are the mixture of simply  supported portions and clamped portions, Applied Methematics and Mechanics , 1984.6, V5. N3, 1399-1408

3. Z.Q.Chen And X.Ji,Boundary element analysis of finite deformation problems of elastoplasticity, Theory and Applications of Boundary Element Methods,  Proceedings of the 1st Japan-China  symposium on boundary element methods, 1987,261-270

4. Z.Q.Chen and X.Ji, A new approach to finite deformation problems of elastoplasticity—Boundary  element analysis method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,  1990, V78, 1-18.

5. Z.Q.Chen,The closed form of the dynamic fundamental solution of axisymmetrical elasticity,  Proceedings of 14th International conference on Boundary Element Methods, 1992,11, V2, 3-14.

6. Z.Q.Chen and T.J.A.Agar, Geometric nonlinear analysis of flexible spatial beam structures, Computers & Structures, 1993, V49.N6, 1083-1094.

7. Z.Q.Chen and T.J.A.Agar, Finite Element-based flutter analysis of cable suspended  bridges -Discussion, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE.ST),  1994.3,V120, N3,1044-1046.

8. Z.Q.Chen, The three dimensional analysis and behaviors investigation on the critical flutter  state of bridges, Proceedings of the 1994 International Symposium on Cable-Stayed Bridges,  Shanghai, China, 1994.5, 302-307.

9. Z.Q.Chen and X.D.Yu, The characters of wind-induced self-excited loads of bridges,  2004.4, Resubmitted to Structural Engineering of ASCE.

10. X.Y.Wang, Z.Q.Chen etc., Phenomenon of wind-rain induced vibration and countermeasure on  the Dongting Lake bridge, (submitted).

11. Z.Q.Chen,X.Y.Wang, J.M.Ko and Y.Q.Ni, Field measurements on wind-rain-induced vibration of bridge cables with and witjout MR dampers, the 3rd world conference of structural control,  Como, Italy, 2002.4.

12. Z.Q. Chen,Etc,“MR Damping system on Dongting lake cable-stayed bridge”, Proceedings of  SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 5057,2003,229-235

13. Ko, J.M.; Zheng, G.; Chen, Z.Q.; Ni, Y.Q.  Field vibration tests of bridge stay cables  incorporated with magneto-rheological (MR) dampers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International  Society forOptical Engineering, v 4696,2003,p30-40.

14. Ni, Y.Q.; Duan, Y.F.; Chen, Z.Q.; Ko, J.M.  Damping identification of MR-damped bridge  cables from in-situ monitoring under wind-rain-excited conditions, Proceedings of theSPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v4696,2003,p41-51.

15. Duan, Y.F.; Yi Qing Ni; Ko, J.M.; Chen, Z.Q.  Amplitude-dependent frequency and damping  identification of bridge cables with MR dampers in different setups, Proceedings of theSPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v5057,2003,p218-28. (EI收录)

16. Z-Q. Chen. The BEM Scheme for Axisymmetric Dynamic Torsion Problems and the Evaluation of  Dynamic Stiffnesses of the Foundation, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements,  Proceedings of  the 2nd International Conference, on board the liner, the Queen Elizabeth 2,  New York to Southampton, June/July, 1984.

17. Z. Q. Chen, X. Y. Wang‡,  J. M. Ko, Y. Q. Ni B. F. Spencer, G. Yang, J. H. Hu. MR damping  system for mitigating wind-rain induced vibration on Dongting Lake Cable-Stayed Bridge Wind  and Structures, Vol. 7, No. 5 (2004) 293-304 293




[3]郭建民,陈政清.大跨度桥梁抖振有限元分析 .桥梁建设,1999,(1)














[17]王修勇,陈政清,黄方林.桥梁节段模型气动导数的神经网络识别法. 湘潭矿业学院学报,2001(3)(EI收录)



[20]祝志文,陈政清.单、双层客车车辆在铁路桥梁上的横向气动力特性.  中南工业大学学报(自然科学版),2001(4)(EI收录)

新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/37375.shtml

