







项目名称 项目类别 项目起止 项目经费
时间 (万)
基于桥梁动态称重系统的超载车辆快速识别理论与应用研究 国家自然科学基金 2012.01-2015.12 60
桥梁动态称重健康监测系统研发及既有桥梁安全快速评估 教育部回国留学人员基金 2012-2014 30
基于桥梁动态称重系统的超载车辆高精度快速识别理论算法研究 教育部博士点基金项目 2012-2014 4
基于桥梁动态称重系统的超载车辆高精度快速识别理论算法研究 湖南大学高校基本科研业务费专项资金 2011-2013 5
桂林市义江大桥施工监控 横向 2011.7-2012.12 45.8
临苏路下穿桂柳高速立交桥结构审核(平行计算) 横向 2012 5.8
机场路世纪大道立交桥成桥试验 横向 2012 64.5

此外,作为中方代表,承担了美国美国国家自然科学基金(Developing Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (B-WIM) Health Monitoring Systems for Bridge Infrastructure Safety)(2011年-2015年)。







1.Zhao, H., and Uddin,N., “Innovative bridge weigh-in-motion system for enforcement application”, IABSE-IASS Symposium London 2011, London, pp. 581

2.Zhao, H., and Uddin,N., “Influence line calculation of existing bridges in BWIM system”, IABSE-IASS Symposium London 2011, London, pp. 572

3.Zhao, H., Uddin, N., Waldron, C.J., and O’BRIEN, E.J., “Use of Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Data for Site-Specific LRFR Bridge Rating”, International ConferenceonWeigh-In-Motion, ICWIM 6, Dallas, Texas, June 4 - 7, 2012

4.Shao, X.D., Jiang, W., Hu, J.H., Zhao, H., and Lu, L.Z., “Hyperbolic tower of a multi-span cable-stayed bridge”, IABSE-IASS Symposium London 2011, London, pp. 276

5.Shao, X.D., Yi, D.T., Huang, Z.Y., Zhao, H., Chen, B., and Liu, M.L, “The Basic Performance of the Composite Deck System Composed of Orthotropic Steel Deck and Ultra-thin RPC Layer ”, ASCE, Journal of Bridge Engineering, (corresponding author)(accepted for publication in Nov, 2011)

6.Zhao, H., and Uddin,N., “Algorithm to identify axle weights for an innovative BWIM system- Part I”, Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, 8-10 August, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.527-536

7.Zhao, H., and Uddin,N., “Algorithm to identify axle weights for an innovative BWIM system- Part II”, Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, 8-10 August, 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.537-546

8.Shao, X.D., Wang, H.L., Zhao, H. and Chang, Y., “Experimental study on multi-cantilever prestressed composite beams with corrugated steel webs”, ASCE, J. of Structural Eng., , Vol. 136, No. 9, September 2010, pp. 1098-1110

9.Shao, X.D., Yang, J.J., Zhao, H., Zhou, Y.D., and Nie, M.C., “Experimental Research on and Application of Twice-Prestressed Concrete Beam”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 2010, pp. 321-330

10.Zhao, H., Uddin, N., Hitchcock, W.A., Salama, T. and Abd-El-Meguid, A.S., “Bridge repair and maintenance with bridge weight-in-motion: A case study with bridge on highway I-459”, Structural Faults & Repair-2008, June 2008, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

11.Zhao, H., Uddin, N., Hitchcock, W.A., Salama, T. and Abd-El-Meguid, A.S., “Innovative bridge weigh-in-motion system for bridge maintenance: A case study with bridge on highway I-59” 10th International Bridge and Structure Management Conference, Buffalo, New York, Transportation Research Board, October 2008, pp. 369-383

12.Shao, X.D., Zhao, H., Li, L.F., Peng, W.H., Liu, G.D. and Yan, B.F., “Design and experimental study of a harp shaped single span cable-stayed bridge”, ASCE, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol.10, No.6, Nov. 2005, pp.658-665

13.Yamakawa, T. and Zhao, H., “Experimental and analytical investigation of seismic retrofit for RC framed shear walls by hybrid techniques”, ASCCS, China, pp.811-817, Aug, 2006

14.Zhao, H. and Yamakawa, T., “Cyclic loading test on retrofitted RC framed shear walls”, AIJ Kyushu Chapter Architectural Research Meeting (Structure), Fukoka, Japan, pp.361-364, Mar, 2006

15.Zhao, H.,Shao, X.D., Qin, J.J., Li, L.F. and Peng, W.H., “The Design and experimental study of the steel-concrete composite box girder of a harp-shaped single span cable-stayed bridge”, the fourth Inter. Conf. on Advances in Steel Structures, Shanghai, China, June 2005, pp1633-1638

16.Zhao, H., Shao, X.D., Liu, G.D., Chen, M.X. and Zhu, P., “Analysis of ultimate load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete arch bridges”, IABSE, Shanghai, China, Sept. 2004, (paper No. SHA103)




新闻来源: https://www.chinakaoyan.com/info/article/id/37329.shtml

