
叶加, 女,博士,博士后学历,副教授,硕士生导师。1993年在上海中医药大学获医学博士学位,同年到北京医科大学基础医学院从事分子生物学博士后研究工作。1995年在中国医学科学院基础医学研究所医学分子生物学国家重点实验室进行分子免疫学研究。1997获日本长寿振兴财团基金,赴WHO日本东京都老人综合研究所从事免疫研究工作,寻找类风湿性关节炎病理基因,探讨免疫耐受与自身免疫病发病机制的关系。近年主要从事神经药理学、免疫药理学的研究。承担和参与科技部“十五攻关”、“973”、国家自然科学基金等项目。在镇痛机制研究中发现镇痛抗炎新靶点---外周a7nAChR与M4AChR,此受体的活化可引起较强的镇痛抗炎作用而无明显毒副作用。近年以第一和责任作者在国外SCI和国内核心杂志发表科研论文20余篇,申请中国专利和世界专利1项。



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1. 以外周a7nAChR为靶的镇痛抗炎药物研究

2. a7nAChR与M4AchR活化后的信号转导通路研究

3. 抗移植排斥药物研究及其免疫抑制和免疫耐受机制研究

4. 中药药性理论继承与创新研究


1. 国家自然科学基金“螺环哌嗪季铵盐类化合物镇痛活性及构效关系的深入研究”

2. 国家自然科学基金“氮杂糖类化合物的合成及其免疫抑制活性机制研究”

3. 973 国家重点基础研究发展课题“中药药性理论继承与创新研究”

4. 北京大学综合性创新药物研究技术大平台新药品种“非成瘾性镇痛药物LXM-10的临床前研究”

5. 北京市教育委员会科技成果转化与产业化项目“一类非成瘾性镇痛新药—LXM-10的研发”

1. Xia Zhao, Jia Ye*, Qi Sun, Yulan Xiong, Runtao Li and Yimin Jiang Antinociceptive effect of spirocyclopiperazinium salt compound LXM-15 via activating peripheral α7 nAChR and M4 mAChR in mice Neuropharmacology 60, 2-3(2011) 446-452

2. Song-Wen Lin, Qi Sun, Ze-Mei Ge, Xin Wang, Jia Ye*, Run-Tao Li  Synthesis and structure-analgesic activity relationships of a novel series of monospirocyclopiperazinium salts (MSPZ) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 21 (2011) 940–943

3. Yulan Xiong, Xia Zhao, Qi Sun, Runtao Li, Changling Li, Jia Ye*,Antinociceptive mechanism of the spirocyclopiperazinium compound LXM-10 in mice and rats  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior  95 (2010) 192–197

4. Yulan Xiong, Jia Ye*, Qi Sun, Xia Zhao, Runtao Li, Yimin Jiang, Anti-inflammatory effect of the spirocyclopiperazinium compound LXM-10 in mice and rats  European Journal of Pharmacology   626 (2010) 290–296

5. Guo-Liang Zhang, Changshui Chen, Yulan Xiong, Li-He Zhang, Jia Ye*,Xin-Shan Ye, Synthesis of N-substituted iminosugar derivatives and their immunosuppressive activities  Carbohydrate Research  345 (2010) 780–786

6. Deng-Bo Ji, Jia Ye*, Chang-Ling Li, Yu-Hua Wang, Jiong Zhao and Shao-Qing Cai  Antiaging Effect of Cordyceps sinensis Extract  Phytotherapy Research  23, 116–122 (2009)

7. Deng Bo Jia,  Chang Ling Li, Jia Ye* and Hai Bo Zhu   Effect of Hydroxysafflor yellow A on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells under hypoxia  Vascular Pharmacology  50 (2009) 137–145

8. Deng-Bo Ji, Jia Ye*, Yi-Min Jiang and Bo-Wen Qian   Anti-tumor effect of Liqi, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, in tumor bearing mice  BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2009) 9:20  网络版

9. Ji DB, Zhu MC, Zhu B, Zhu YZ, Li CL, Ye J*, Zhu HB  Hydroxysafflor yellow A enhances survival of vascular endothelial cells under hypoxia via upregulation of the HIF-1 alpha-VEGF pathway and regulation of Bcl-2/Bax. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol  2008  Aug; 52(2):191-202

10. Deng Bo JI,  Hai Bo ZHU,  Jia YE*,  and Chang Ling LI    Establishment of a Cell-Based Assay to Screen Regulators of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1-Dependent Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor promoter Biol. Pharm. Bull. 31(12) 2255—2259 2008

11. Cai-Qin Yue, Jia Ye*, Chang-Ling Li, Run-Tao Li, Qi Sun, Antinociceptive effects of the novel spirocyclopiperazinium salt compound LXM-10 in mice, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 2007, 86, 643–650

新闻来源: http://www.chinakaoyan.com/graduate/info/nid/33714/schoolID/82.shtml

